What kind of interaction-supporting structures promote my well-being at work?  

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Anniina Aunola & Jenny Honka

The Hyvinvoiva Humak (Wellbeing Humak) project proposes a workshop for the seminar on the theme of interaction structures supporting wellbeing according to the participants’ experience. The purpose of the workshop is to understand what the participants think these interaction structures are. The workshop aims to understand what kind of issues could support employees’ interaction. At the same time, good practices will be drawn for the use and distribution of the project.

The workshop will include a brief introduction to the topic and then working on the theme in small groups. In the project and in this workshop, the project’s employees, Humak’s lecturers Jenny Honka and Anniina Aunola, act as facilitators. They will prepare a workshop and give instructions on how to work. Workshop outputs are distributed among participants. The duration of the workshop is 60 minutes. 

The Hyvinvoiva Humak project was launched in autumn 2023 and will continue until the end of 2024. The aim of the project is to develop the wellbeing at work of Humak personnel, particularly from two perspectives, from the perspectives of developing structures that support interaction and cognitive ergonomics. This workshop will focus on the first. Community spirit and inclusion are cross-cutting themes in the project. The project is funded by the OAJ’s Työhyvinvointirahasto (Occupational wellbeing Fund)/OAJ: Humak-opettajat ry (OAJ Humak teachers) and Humak.

Last modified: 3.3.2024